- Biedronka grocery store in Poland
- The Polish Biedronka supermarkets get you fresh vegetables.
- Biedronka supermarkets are located in all Polish cities.
- The Biedronka grocery chain has the largest supermarket net in Poland.
Biedronka is the largest Polish supermarket chain, which is represented by a ladybird logo. What distinguishes Biedronka from the rest of its competitors is the fact that it believes in promoting local brands. It supervises and promotes Polish manufacturing. It is also hailed as the most consumer-friendly store chain because of its low prices and various subsidies to make available quality products even to those who belong to the lower strata of the society.
Its products include a large range of Polish manufactured daily household items and fashion products. Biedronka is also the hub for the famous Portuguese wine. If you are looking for quality Polish products at the most affordable prices, Biedronka is your ideal choice.
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[toggle title=”Biedronka Headquarters address & store locations”]
Biedronka Centrala
ul. Żniwna 5
62-025, Kostrzyn